

What is a Bunion?

A bunion is a bony hump which has formed on the base of the first, or big, toe. The bunion is located where the toe connects to the rest of the person’s foot. Often, this causes the toe to point inward toward the other toes. Usually, where the toe bends during walking, right at the joint, is affected by the bunion. Bunions can be quite painful and are also susceptible to rubbing and pressure caused by wearing certain types of shoes. Calluses can develop because of the bunion.

What Causes a Bunion to Develop?

Bunions can develop as a hereditary issue and problems can worsen as a person ages. Bunions can also develop because of poor or weakened foot structure as well as other issues. Arthritis can also contribute to the condition. Wearing high heels and pointed toed shoes frequently cause women to develop bunions more frequently than men. This is because the force the foot into an unnatural position.

What Treatments Are Used?

The doctor will begin by taking x-rays and examining the person’s foot. This helps the podiatrist to see how severe the bunion has become. A blood sample may be collected to see if the person has arthritis as well. Treatments usually employed include:

  • Inserts and orthopedic shoes to help the foot move back into its normal position, if the condition is mild.
  • Medications such as pain relievers and anti-inflammatories can address the discomfort and swelling. Over-the-counter medications are usually used first and if they do not work medications can be prescribed.
  • When a person’s every day activities and responsibilities are affected by the condition, surgery is typically required. The podiatric surgeon will realign the bone under the big toe by making incisions in the ligaments surrounding it. Wires and screws are occasionally employed to hold the toe in place while healing. Additionally, excess bone can be removed. Depending on the severity of the bunion, the procedure usually takes about an hour.